Charlie May, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Charlie May has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Service from Bryn Mawr College, which he acquired in 2005. He is a practicing licensed clinical social worker in suburban Philadelphia with twelve years of direct service with adults at the Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient levels of care. Charlie is currently leading the Intensive Outpatient Program for Adults in the North Wales location.
With a long-standing commitment to study and practice, Charlie has extensive training in meditation-based methodologies, including Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, DBT, Buddhist Psychology, and Gestalt therapy. He has an integrated meditation practice spanning three decades, including a formal sitting practice, martial arts and yoga. He also has a significant interest in Schema Therapy, which he uses in his work with his IOP groups. “It all boils down to ‘present moment awareness,’ and being prepared to meet that moment wisely, whatever it may hold in store.”
Charlie enjoys facilitating the group process, which creates opportunities for connection and leverage for healing, learning, and growing. He believes the value of a safe, non-judgmental environment in which one realizes experientially that they are “not alone” cannot be underestimated and for which there is no substitute.