About Dr. Lou Bevilacqua
Dr. Lou Bevilacqua is the founder and CEO of Sanare Today. He is passionate in his belief that all individuals can thrive no matter what life presents. It is because of this belief that he created Sanare. His vision is to build a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every day, and regardless of what life presents or how they feel, they hold a belief that they are okay.
This view and approach is integral to the services provided by all staff within Sanare Today. Dr. Lou and the staff at Sanare Today don’t settle for helping people get back to baseline. They’re passionate about helping people learn to thrive.
Dr. Lou Background & Education
Dr. Lou has been a practicing clinician since 1989. Dr. Lou has worked in community mental health, schools, juvenile detention centers, psychiatric hospitals, large group practices and in private practice. He has developed multiple programs serving children, adolescents and adults. He is trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy and received his doctorate from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr.Lou is the author of several professional books. His latest self-help book, “When you can’t snap out of it: Finding your way through depression” is available through amazon.com. Dr. Lou is also a frequent speaker for community and professional audiences. In 2016, after many years of helping other companies develop and implement programs, Dr. Lou decided to create Sanare Today. Sanare means ‘to heal’ in Italian. Dr. Lou believes very strongly in the healing power of psychotherapy. He also believes in assessing and treating the whole person. He tends to think outside the box and believes treatment should involve more than just talking. Therefore, he looks beyond the depression, anxiety and addiction issues most individuals present with and also explores the physical, social and spiritual health of individuals.
Dr. Lou is a clinical psychologist licensed in Pennsylvania.
His education includes:
• B.A. in Psychology – Shippensburg University in 1987
• M.Ed. in Community Counseling – Lehigh University in 1989
• Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology – Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) in 2000. Dr. Lou was part of the first graduating class to receive a doctorate in clinical psychology from PCOM under the direction of Arthur Freeman, Ed.D., ABPP, who is one of the world’s leading authorities of CBT.
Dr. Lou has also written several professional books. He is a frequent speaker for professionals and community audiences. His specialty is in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and the treatment of depression, anxiety, self-injurious behaviors, sexual abuse/assault trauma and relationship conflicts.
Dr. Lou Outside the Office
In addition to being a clinical psychologist, Dr. Lou has been married for 25+ years to his best friend and love of his life. He is also a father to three beautiful daughters and a grandfather. When not working, he is usually spending time with family or playing golf. Regardless of where he is or who he is with, he is always focused on thriving. This is his passion and he lives it.